Tuesday, January 16, 2007


OK...am back after a long long time. I've started to see blogs not just as a place where people can whine and bitch about their lives but as also as a place where important information can be passed around. I know, i know this is all a later realization. COM 125: Introduction to the Internet, is a great subject to study. Its only the first week back in SIM, but i can foresee the future to be quite interesting.

Mr Kevin Lim gave me loads to think about. BUT before i continue, i would still like to say this. I seriously think that people who constantly read other people's blogs has no life of their own. I post what i feel and believe, i read the comments and thats about it. I can't be bothered to read other people's blog let alone my friends. UNLESS its a political, technological ect blog. Not about someone's life. Ive got my own problems to worry about. I do not need to know nor do i have the patience to read.

Blogs...or web logs like everything else started for simpler reasons...and now look at it? More than 26 fucking million blogs in the world. I would think about 26 million people are whining and bitching about their lives. Like OMG.....live it. But ok looking at the other side of the coin, blogs are useful to pass information. Yes it can also can be a marketing tool and the list goes on and on.

I rebonded my hair last thus. Its a GOOD change. I feel better, new and happier with this new hair which does not end up looking like a lion's mane. But it got me thinking. I now look like every other chinese woman. I look the same. I have blended with the majority. I have become them. I know its a bit extreme to say that just coz i rebonded my hair, i have become them. But look at it this way, i have conformed to the norms of the society. I have become just another person. With my original hair, i stood out. I was different. I had an identity; 'the one with the messy hair'. Its not much of an identity but its the thing that i was someone. When i look around and see everyone with the same type of hair and then look myself in the mirror, i see no difference btw them and me. It is nice and all to have hair that does not need much tending. But it comes at a cost of losing one's self identity, of conforming to the masses, of becoming one of them.

*person who lost identity*

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